Conditionals (or how to make decisions)

Conditions are the way in which programming languages make descisions about what to do with any given situation. This always takes the form of a test. In order to test a value JavaScript has several built in comparison operators.

Comparison operators

Comparisons are the logic center of any programming langauge, in JavaScript they take the following forms:

Operator Description Example
== Equals age == 10
!= Does not equal weekday != "Saturday"
< Is less than money < 1000
> Is greater than crowd > 40000
<= Is less than or equals passengers <= 4
>= Is greater than or equals classSize >= 10

Read more about comparisons on the W3Schools JavaScript comparisons page.

The if / else block

In order to use these comparisons operators JavaScript requires some conditional statements. There are a few of these but the most common is the if / else block.

The if statement can be used to test if a particular condition is true which is sometimes essential. Here is an example of this in use:

if (something == somethingElse) {
    // do something

We can also add a condition in case we need something or something else to happen depending on the result of a given test. In this case the code would look like this:

if (something == somethingElse) {
    // do something
else {
    // do something else	

One of the other of these blocks of code will ALWAYS be executed.

The if / else block can be extended by using further conditions, such as:

if (something == somethingElse) {
    // do something
else if (somethingfurther == something else) {
    // do something else	
else {
    // do something other	

The number of conditions to be tested can be extended almost infinitely although after a certain point (probably around your third line of else if ...) it would be much easier to use a switch / case block instead.

Here is an example of this in use:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

// declare some variables	
var vatRate = 0.2;
var gamePrice = 10.99;

// if the VAT of the game is less than £5.99
if (gamePrice * vatRate < 5.99) {
// ... write a string into the page
    document.write("<b>You modestly paid VAT of " + (gamePrice * vatRate) + 
else {
// ... else, (if VAT is higher than £5.99) write something else 
    document.write("VAT is frighteningly high!");

Live example

Try this code out yourself. Try changing the value tested in the if statement to 0.50. You should see the else condition trigger as the result of the calculation and the comparision will no longer return as true.

See also:

switch / case


Now open the conditionals exercise page and work through it.

You may also use the JavaScript scratch pad to try out code quickly.